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Are you Preparing for a Hurricane?

Posted on September 22, 2013

Are you Preparing for a Hurricane

If you live in South Florida, you know that June 1st through November 30th means hurricane season in the Atlantic, which means you should be preparing for a hurricane. There are many steps you must take to prepare your home and your family for such an event. Is your roof hurricane ready and can it withstand whatever Mother Nature sends your way? When preparing for a hurricane this should be something that you need to know the answer to. If you are unsure and would like peace of mind, the roofing experts at SK Quality Roofing can inspect your roof to be sure that it is ready for hurricane season before a storm comes along. So far this year we have been spared from the fury a tropical event can bring, but the rains keep coming day after day. The last thing that you want to have show up now is a leaky roof. That is why we want to help ensure that we make your roof hurricane ready.

The First Step – Inspection

Just because you have not seen any leaks or signs of water intrusion yet, does not mean you are in the clear. In order to have your roof hurricane ready, you should have an expert check it out for missing or loose shingles, clay tiles, slate tiles, or whatever other type of roofing material you have. One loose shingle or tile can set into effect a chain reaction that can spell danger for your home during the next storm. You also want to ensure that your drainage pipes are cleared of debris, leaves, and twigs that could cause water to pool up on your roof. Stagnant water can lead to damage, as well. When it comes to preparing for a hurricane, the roofing experts at SK are here to help.

The Second Step – Repair

When preparing for a hurricane, if you have any missing or loose shingles or roofing tiles, our highly trained and certified crew will fix the problem and get your roof hurricane ready in no time at all. Our goal is always to prevent problems from happening in the first place, but if you find yourself in need of our services after a storm pushes through, simply give us a call and we will be there to ascertain the situation and offer you the best solution possible. We will work with your insurance company to ensure that the needed repairs are well taken care of.

Hurricane Preparedness

In addition to getting your roof hurricane ready, we offer the most comprehensive hurricane preparedness guide you will need. Simply head over to our page that offers you a printable guide showing what to do before a storm comes along, a disaster supply kit, what actions to take during the storm, and what steps to take after the storm. At SK Quality Roofing, we believe that your safety should be your primary concern. When it comes to preparing for a hurricane, let us worry about making your roof hurricane ready so that you don’t have to. At SK, we are always working at the top for you. If you have any questions, simply ASK SK.

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